The United Kingdom

Software Development

July 22, 2021

Third Party Software Assessment – Don’t Believe the Hype

Increasingly, there’s an off-the-shelf solution for every use-case and, at first glance, they all look pretty impressive – but that’s often because their investment is channeled at marketing gloss. This makes the job of selecting th...

digital trends driving eCommerce and Retail

April 19, 2021

Digital Trends Driving eCommerce, Wholesale and Retail into the Next Normal

As businesses and consumers are ushered into the next stage of overcoming pandemic conditions, wholesale, retail, and ecommerce continue to transform. Exploring and developing various strategies to meet evolved customer ...

Retail & eCommerce AR & VR Artificial Intelligence Software Development

Life Science Company, woman looks in iPad

June 04, 2021

5 Changes Life Science Companies are Making in their Digital Strategy

According to experts, life science companies are past jumpstarting digital transformation and are well into adapting their new systems [1]. However these companies are discovering that complacency is not an option as the...

Health & Life Science Artificial Intelligence Digital Transformation Software Development