
Tobias Morville

Head of Machine Learning

Monstarlab Denemarken

thuis verzekering

September 29, 2021

Machine learning in verzekeringen: bestuurders de middelen geven om betere beslissingen te nemen

Deel van onze BFSI serie Verzekeringsmaatschappijen zien langzaamaan de waarde en potentiële impact van machine learning (ML) in bij het maken van goede en lonende polis keuzes voor elk individu. Aan de slag gaan met ...

AI & Machine Learning

August 18, 2021

Machine Learning for Fleet Management

Part of our transportation and logistics thought leadership series This article tackles research and expert insights around the following topics: Objectively understanding the potential of machine learning for fl...

AI & Machine Learning Transport & Logistiek

January 14, 2021

Machine Learning in Insurance: Empowering Executives to Drive Better Business Decisions

Getting started with machine learning models can seem to be an overwhelming task if data is incomplete, the return of investment expected instantly and business ethics left undiscussed. Early experiments and a long term ...

AI & Machine Learning

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